Level One Training 


Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy

Virtual and In-Person. Offered in Spring, Fall, and Winter Sessions.

At the Living Medicine Institute, our trainings are based on three core foundational elements: 

1) We emphasize applied learning, and our didactic training focuses on the nuts and bolts of doing this work

2) We believe guided and direct experience with the medicine is critical to do this effectively

3) LMI trainings are delivered by some of the most experienced KAP providers in the country.

In our Level One curriculum, we weave together quality didactics with experiential ketamine sessions. Online training sessions led by our core team will meet biweekly over 16 weeks. These meetings will build on a video series that outlines the core elements and skills of doing KAP.  Experientials are done consistently throughout the training on your own schedule. These further inform the didactic component, while also creating the potential for personal growth.

This training is the equivalent of our Certificate Program, without the clinical supervision component. It was developed to meet the needs of clinical professionals wanting to learn concrete skills and further explore the medicine, but who do not yet have access to regularly working with KAP clients.

Training Components

The curriculum combines seven experiential sessions with biweekly meetings further expanding on video-based teaching model over three months.  To participate, participants will need to travel to Asheville, NC for experiential sessions or have access to an appropriate clinic local to you who can safely provide your ketamine experiences.  There is also an optional, full day workshop in person in Asheville.  Teaching, before and after each experiential, is done in a group format via videoconferencing, and you will be part of a closed learning container with your cohort. This will allow more in-depth learning, as well as more personal exploration of your experiences with the medicine. 

How it Works

Virtual teaching sessions will be held on alternating Wednesdays 4-6:00 p.m. EST.  Between each session, you will schedule an assigned ketamine experience on your own time.  Learning points will be taught during sessions and processing opportunity provided, with skills and experiences building on those prior as the training progresses.  Trainees in the Southeast can access experiential sessions through our clinic and will travel to Asheville for those.  If you have a relationship with another trusted ketamine clinic, you can also schedule some of the sessions closer to you.